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Tuesday, December 25


Dear Sister Roe,
You are hereby called to serve as a missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You are assigned to labor in the Ukraine Kyiv Mission. It is anticipated you will serve for a period of 18 months.
You should report to the Provo Missionary Training Center on Wednesday, May 8, 2013. You will prepare to preach the gospel in the Russian language...
Thomas S. Monson
Oh how the Lord works in mysterious ways! I have a testimony of the love that my Lord and Savior has for me and my mission call is just another testament of that. I have been called back to the other side of the world! Back to borche and chopped liver! There were no real words when i read that my mission would be served in Ukraine, just gasps, squeals, and joyous mumbo jumbo. I couldn't believe that all this time, after going to Russia to teach English thinking at the time it was me being guided to choosing my career path, was really me just being prepared for the mission that i didn't even know i was going on! Oh Heavenly Father, you sly dog. My first reaction was just pure shock and elation, I've always wanted to go to Ukraine! Even living in Russia i never got the chance, and here it is!  My second reaction upon reading that i would be preaching the gospel in the Russian language filled me with a little self doubt however, after all i was the example of what not to do in my language classes, but i know that if i put faith in the Lord i know nothing, even me learning the to speak a second language, is impossible. By the end of my mission i will be rambling and gleeking in Russian like it's nobodies business, just you wait.
I am beyond excited for the work that is ahead of me, tough work, exhausting work, walking all day in not so fashionable rubber clogs and polygamist skirts work, nostril hairs freezing in -12 degree weather work, suffering through I'm sure countless embarrassing moments through improper grammar work, but work that i hope will make an affect on lives. A work that brings the gospel and it's blessings to others. A work that gives others a second chance. A work that will bring families together forever. I am honored to be a messenger of the Lord, and with lots of prayer, faith, and an extra large jar of peanut butter I know anything is possible!
"And it came to pass that I, Nephi, said unto my father: I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them."      -3 Nephi 3:7

Friday, December 21


 I realized that today was earths last day as i was pulling on my buttercream yellow pollo as i readied myself for another day of working the pies at the pie shop. I also realized at that moment that i managed to make myself look part man as all shape of my upper torso was lost along with any hopes of feeling female.
As i worked myself through my routine i got to thinking.....IF this really were earths last day, what would that mean exactly?
It would mean that i wouldn't be driving through a snow storm to spend Christmas at a snowy cabin in the woods with my family, which would be more than rotten seeing how it's taken 5 years to get here.
I wouldn't get to see my parents reaction as they open a very personalized "Date in a Box" aka "The Box of Loooooove."
I would've missed out on a wood burning stove, our families "finish a puzzle every Christmas" traditon, family pictures, lots of spoon licking, sing along to Bing Crosby, tree decorating, hot chocolate bar, and one of my personal faves....homeade ice cream, which can only be achieved by stradeling a wooden bucket in the cold and churning that sucker for all it's worth.
I would never know if my mission call arrived! I would never know when and where the Lord called me to serve for 18 months. That would be the worst.
It would mean no new year resolutions, which would be such a shame seeing how i am determined to make these last more than a month this time.
 Needless to say, thank goodness we're all still here! Through the wise words of SNL i would like to say....IM JUST SO FREAKIN' EXCITED!