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Sunday, October 12

Your Weekly Sundae-Having a relationship with Jesus Christ is COOL!

Here's your Weekly Sundae!
Thanks so much for all of you who responded to last weeks email! I really enjoyed reading your input!
So now that we've acknowledged that Heavenly Father and His son Jesus Christ are undoubtedly there, I want to tell you a story. For any of you who can still remember, one day at English Sister Hardy told a story, and told of how she was on a metro and a pair of girls openly mocked and laughed at her and the badge she wore, and due to a recent event that happened while I was on the metro the other day, I now know EXACTLY how she felt! A group of five or so girls came into the train cart I was in, and one saw my badge, and quickly whispered to her friends who all gathered together whispering and laughing, each turning and trying to catch glances of my tag without looking too obvious, and obviously not succeeding. Ha! Nice try girls. I couldn't help but be somewhat humored as this group of girls acted as if I were some disease or strange creature from another world!
In this world there are those who choose to believe and follow Christ and then those who choose to openly mock, ridicule, partially follow, or simply ignore this great man. In the entire history of mankind there has never produced a leader to rank with Him, and millions dead and millions living unite in proclaiming Him as the Son of the Living God, the Redeemer and Savior of the human race. But why do so many turn to a Savior? Why do so many choose to be religious? Or better yet, how can a belief in Jesus Christ help me?
I love this film! Let's watch shall we? 
So in what way can a belief in Jesus Christ help us? IN EVERY WAY! He is the “bread” of our lives, and there is no possible way we can live a full happy life without Him! There's a great chapter in the Book of Mormon that really helps put into perspective how having a belief in Christ helps us. It's in the book of Alma, chapter 36, and I want you to read it. When one believes in Jesus Christ, DELIVERENCE becomes real, SUPPORT becomes real, JOY becomes real, REPENTENCE becomes real, FORGIVNESS, becomes real, CHANGE becomes real.
All of these things can be a daily reality for us if we only but choose to follow Him It's the most simple, powerful, and direct invitation we can ever recieve. So what does He expect of us? I like to summarize it with this one verse, And behold, all that he requires of you is to keep his commandments; and he has promised you that if ye would keep his commandments ye should prosper in the land; and he never doth vary from that which he hath said; therefore, if ye do keep his commandments he doth bless you and prosper you.» (Book of Mormon- Mosiah 2:22) Sounds simple, but believe me I know as well as you that it's not as easy as it sounds. Random fact about me: I love the band Neon Trees! They're a very popular band in America, and I would like to introduce you to Elaine:
And who say's having a belief in Jesus Christ isn't cool?! I don't know about you, but I think it's the coolest thing to have a relationship with Christ! There are many who feel burdened by so much expectation, and feel they can never live up to it, that it's not “cool”, or that a life following Jesus Christ is a harder life, but life is far beyond living comfortably. It is absolutely impossible, and makes me so sad to think of those who try to live a “happy” life without a relationship with Christ, because I know that He can make of us more than we ever could!
Until next week!
-Sister Roe

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